Saturday 14 March 2009

Silverstone - The Final Prequel

With just under 16 hours till I'm standing at the start line, I can honestly say I'm both nervous and excited. I'm all packed, my playlist is sorted, my post run packup is ready (thanks Sall).

Yeah, maybe I haven't trained enough. Yeah, I've not got the greatest passion for running as some do - but despite this - I'm still going to do it. I'm looking forward to seeing that last mile post, to crossing the finish line, to the celebrations, to the immense euphoric feelings it will all bring. Whatever happens tomorrow - I make one promise - I will cross that finish line.

I will say thank you to all those who have wished me well, and to the guys running with me - this is a massive achievement for me, I certainly could not have done it with out you. Whats the next challenge??

And Sall - thanks for everything :) You are my hero!


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