Sunday 16 November 2008

Andrew McDavid: 1990 - 2008

On Monday 10th Nov I wrote my Facebook status: - "Chris is wondering what the week holds". Never in a million years did I ever think that this could happen.

Today was Day 3.
Three days of trying to wrap my head around the phrase "Your brother has been killed".
Three days of wondering why
Three days of the worst sort of pain
Three days......

Yesterday we went to see Andy's body. It was so surreal to see my brother lying there, motionless. For me it all became real. Somewhere inside, I guess I refused to believe it. But seeing him made everything so real.

Tuesday 21 October 2008

Road to Silverstone

So... I've decided to keep a blog about my Road to Silverstone.

Yes Silverstone, not to drive (although that would be awesome) but to run! I've applied and been successful in gaining a place in the Adidas Silverstone Half Marathon - 13.1 miles round the Silverstone race track. (about 4.5 laps).

So far I have 2 friends commited to doing it with me (Big Nige and Mark D) - ironically the person who's idea it was has pulled out! (Granted he has an excuse in the form of a brand new baby).

My wife's boss has registered to do it too - but he's at the chiropractor today :)

By doing this I make myself accountable, hopefully get support and encouragement and maybe just maybe inspire others to come and run with us! Visit to register online and you're in!

Now - when it comes to running there are 3 things you need to know about me:

I hate running, I find no pleasure in running, and I hate running!

I'm no where near physically fit, and I'm still carrying some Christmas weight....well in fact its about 10 Christmas' really!

Why am I doing this? Why not?

It'll certainly be an achievement, the entire journey is going to be a big lesson in discipline and it's something I've always wanted to do. (Hmmm, not strictly true – I’ve always wanted to run a Marathon - but we have to start somewhere).

With 145 days to go, I've managed 2 miles - yesterday! My aim is to be up to 4 miles this week.

Tonight I go on my second run - another 2 miles. Lets see how that goes!